Briefly in English

Into – Association for Outreach Youth Work and Workshop Activities
Everyone has the right to participate in society and enjoy a good everyday life. Into helps those working in outreach youth work and workshops find inspiration and also inspire others. The young people and adults participating in the services receive support for finding their own path. Outreach youth work and workshops allow everyone to live a life that feels like their own.
Everyone has a passion for something!
Into represents 266 workshops and 563 outreach youth workers in Finland. Outreach youth work and workshops employ over 2150 professionals in total. More than 43 000 young people and adults participate in the services every year.
In our non-governmental organisation we
- offer training, courses & materials for outreach youth workers and youth workshop workers
- develop working methods, take care of advocacy & networks
- offer information services
(surveys and data: effect, impact) - support for networking
in the field of outreach youth work and workshop activities.

Outreach youth work
- Outreach youth work is a form of specialised youth work.
- Its goal is to reach young people under 29 years of age that are outside education or working life and need support to get the services they need.
- Outreach youth work offers them early support, if they decide to accept it, and strengthens their preparedness to move forward in life. For young people, participation is always voluntary.
- Outreach youth workers are where young people are, offering them opportunities for safe, confidential encounters with adults.
- They help young people find answers to their problems and questions and assist them in finding the services they want and need. Read more using the links 👇

Workshop activities
- Operate in over 90% of Finland’s municipalities.
- Advance the workshop participants’ path into education and employment in a goal-oriented fashion.
- Support the participants’ engagement and management of everyday life.
- Focus on effective and multi-disciplinary co-operation between employment services, education services, youth services, social services and healthcare.
- Combine individual coaching, job tasks that strengthen the participants’ skills and peer support.

Or if you prefer videos,
take a look at these informational short stories:
If you want to know more about Into or Finnish Outreach Youth Work and Workshop Activities, please contact our executive director: